Here’s a poster I made for one of my top 5 favorite movies:

Hmmm… how to describe Once Upon A Time In The West… well, it’s a Shoot-Em-Up (or a “western”, if you prefer) and it stars Charles Bronson as the good(?) guy and Henry Fonda as the (very) bad guy. It’s a meditation on the idea of revenge. It’s a patient movie, an operatic movie, a movie that takes its time getting to where it wants to go and, in so doing, it makes sure that the inevitable climactic scene is as impactful as intended.


Sergio Leone, the director (he also did The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly and A Fistful of Dollars) does this thing where he shoots a person’s face as if it was a landscape, zooming all the way in until you think you might get stuck in their pores.

Once Upon A Time In The West also has my pick for best movie soundtrack.  It’s by Ennio Morricone.  If I could draw it for you, the soundtrack, I would.  But I don’t have any idea how to draw a soundtrack.  Maybe a harmonica or something.  Atonal harmonica music features prominently in Once Upon A Time In The West.

If you ever find yourself with 3 free hours to kill, give Once Upon A Time In The West a look.  Let me know what you think.
