…any of you (plural) used to (or currently) read Highlights magazine? Remember how on the back of the magazine there’d be a big kinetic drawing and you were supposed to find all the hidden images within that larger scene? No? Well, I’ve made one of those drawings for you (again, plural) here! Except that instead of having to find a bunch of hidden images you just have to find one hidden image! Ready?
Find bigfoot:
Find him yet? No? Maybe he’s over near the tree on the left…
Nope. How about next to the bush on the right?
Huh. Not there either. Maybe he’s beside the big hairy monster with the ominous red eye.
Nope. He’s not there either.
Give up yet? Okay, I’ll help you.
Notice the banana peel in the foreground…
See it? Now look closer…
Stop playing around! Get in that banana peel! Closer!!!
Aha! There he is!
The lesson: Bigfoot could be anywhere. Watch your back.